
Spheros are strange but cool robots. We have a couple of different types in the lab - most are SPRK+ robots, with one Ollie and a BB-8. The SPRK+ robots are pretty tough, but Ollie and BB-8 are not - be more careful with those ones please.

You'll need a Kindle Fire or an iPad to work them. Please fid the blue Sphero EDU app and open it, and connect to a robot. The robots have their 4 digit codes written on the outside. Once you are connected, you can control your robot! You have a choice of activities:

  • You can use the maze, and do your best to drive the robot around the maze!

  • You can open the Sphero activities section and complete some of the Introduction to Sphero EDU games.

  • Program your robot using block coding to complete a maze or route.

Please do not just play remote control cars with the robots unless you have completed some of the above tasks, and only with my permission. Have fun!

Here is the link to the Sphero website.

This is a sphero

Find this app on an ipad or kindle fire

Tap here to connect a Sphero

choose the type of Sphero you are using

Tap on your spheros serial number

You can either work on the intro or drive your sphero around!