
Cubelets are great! You stick them together to make machines that use inputs and outputs to show how most machines work. Your task is to build some weird and wonderful machines that have inputs and outputs.

There are three parts to almost any computer - the input, the processor, and the outputs. This is the same for Cubelets.

The navy blue cube with the power switch is the processor. It provides the power and programming path between the inputs and outputs. You only need one of these.

There are then input cubes. These are cubes that will provide information to the outputs. There are light sensors, light sensors, turnable dials, and some others. You need one or two of these.

There are then output cubes, which take the information from the input cubes and demonstrate it for all to see. There are wheels, spinning blocks, lights, speakers, and some others.

Make a machine that has an input, a processor and an output! Have fun!

The Cubelets website is here.