
Pygamers are small game consoles that run simple arcade style games. You can either create your own game, or find one that has already been made, and load it onto your device. There are some steps you need to follow though:

1) Plug your Pygamer into the computer using the USB cable, and turn the Pygamer on by moving the small power switch at the top over.

2) Go to and click on Arcade, then click on Pygamer.

3) You can either design and build your own game, or pick one from the list of pre-coded games.

4) When you have a game selected, click on the download button. It will download a copy of the game, but you can ignore that for now - instead click the words Pair Now in the middle of the screen, and on the next window click on Pygamer. This connects the device to your computer.

5) Now click on Download again, and this time after about 20-30 seconds, the game will download onto your device automatically. Now you can play your game! You can unplug the device if you want.

If you get tired of one game, go find another and download that onto your device, or remix the existing game and change the sprite graphics or another element of the game.

Have fun! The Pygamer website is here.